ONA is your drinking water, straight from your tap. ONA cares about you,
your environment and our planet. ONA offers you a healthy alternative to plastic bottles, reduces our ecological footprint and lowers your costs. ONA is there for you at home or at work.
ONA. drink water and make a difference.
“Water is our most important natural resource. Let there be no doubt about it. Water is the basis of endurance: in small and big achievements. As a former professional rugby player and Irish international, I know better than anyone how fundamental optimal hydration is. It can make or break your game. But water is not just about health. Water itself is a challenge that concerns us all. Not only is it an amazing natural resource, it is also our greatest challenge. Today, drinking water is not handled with care. The true cost of bottled water cannot be accounted for in a balance sheet. Each year millions of tons of CO2 are produced by production and transport of bottled water. A countless amount of plastic is used to bottle and transport water with little care being given to the handling or recycling of that plastic after use. I have witnessed first hand uncountable number of plastic bottles that have been used and continues to be used in sports clubs, competitions and championships. A change in mentality is necessary, but it is also very simple! We can make a change today. Better water, smarter water that has a huge impact on our ecological footprint. I am committed to working with ONA to make your water consumption more conscious: in your sports club, in your pub, restaurant, hotel, in your office or in your company. Together we will look for the appropriate solution for perfect and sustainable drinking water. Let’s make a change today!
Tommy O’Donnell
Brand Ambassador – Former Munster & Irish International Rugby Player
onaireland.ie Brand Ambassador
Unit 4 – Lisboney Industrial Estate
Dublin Road
Nenagh Co Tipperary
E45 KD92
+353 (0)61 210095